Hendrix College Herbarium - Vascular Plants (HXC)

We currently house nearly 7000 specimens, mostly representing Central Arkansas. Major collectors include the late Hendrix biology faculty member G. Thomas Clark, David M. Johnson who collected here in the 1970s, and a nice set of most of the fern species of central Arkansas collected by Don Crank in 2010. The herbaria also contains small curated collections of bryophytes, lichen, and macroalgae, databased and searchable through bryophyteportal.org, lichenportal.org, and macroalgae.org.

Contacts: Maureen McClung, Mcclung@hendrix.edu
Primary Contact: Matthew Reid, Reid@hendrix.edu
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: a9c46aac-b65c-4feb-9e2b-3fac3e3e3b23
Digital Metadata: EML File
Hendrix College Herbarium
Biology Department
Conway, AR   72032-3080
Collection Statistics
  • 6,745 specimen records
  • 1,730 (26%) georeferenced
  • 6,699 (99%) with images (6,704 total images)
  • 6,503 (96%) identified to species
  • 176 families
  • 658 genera
  • 1,575 species
  • 1,772 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Geographic Distribution - Canada
Click on the specimen record counts within the parenthesis to return the records for that term